A dissertation is a long academic piece of writing. It contains factual information with research aims and objectives. Students write dissertations as a part of the postgraduate degree programs. The content of the dissertation describes the purpose, method and findings of the research. Students spent a lot of time writing a dissertation. Even if you are hiring a dissertation writing service, the first step of dissertation writing is research. Converting the information into a scholarly piece of writing is a complex process. It needs a critical thinking approach to display the information in a quality manner.
The critical thinking approach is a method of analysis. It analyses all aspects of the practical research process. It does so by comparing with the literature and logical information. Furthermore, it provokes excellence in thoughts and puts them into paper. It also helps the scholar to identify the important aspects of research. In case of any insignificant events of research, it finds the solution. Before writing a dissertation, there is a lot of prework that you should do. This will help to achieve the critical thinking approach in dissertation writing.
- Gaining sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge of study
- Writing down the purpose of the study
- Identify the assertive and supportive evidence of the study
- Critical thinking can help in dissertation writing with the following steps in mind
Ask the Questions
A critical thinking approach asks the questions of scientific inquiries. As per the literature, it also analyses the questions in a strategic way. The dissertation has a specific research aim and objectives. Asking questions is important at the time of research and writing both. The research questions are also based on these purposes. While analysing the findings of the research, the questions are kept in mind. It develops an intellectual trait that helps in academic processes. The critical thinking approach can help to make a connection between findings and questions.
Asking the right questions at each step of the study helps to structure a quality method section. It also gets the researcher to findings. Dissertation writing elaborates the research approach. It has specific analytical aspects that come with a critical thinking approach. The analysis identifies if the method of study is appropriate. The critical thinking approach finds supportive evidence and constructive synthesis sentences. It suggests the reader accepted information reflected in simple language.
Define the Problem
In dissertation writing, the first step is to define the research question. The research problem is the statement having the problem and its possible solution. The critical thinking approach formulates the research questions on the basis of this statement. It also refers to a hypothesis which is a tentative explanation of events. It identifies the variables of the study and builds a hypothesis. These elements help the reader to understand the study and its importance. It sets the goal of the study by defining the problem statement. The critical thinking approach defines the popular concepts of the current study. It narrows down the options of study under the lens of literature—diverse knowledge and skill that help to build such a critical approach.
Examine the Evidence
The next step is to examine the evidence, which is the supporting logic. It connects the study with the stream of literature. It reflects, observes and weighs the information. The analysis and evaluation is a tedious process, but intellectual abilities make it easy. Critical thinking helps the researcher to think beyond reasoning. The research question will have specific answers. Those findings are the potential outcomes of the study. Critical thinking approach allows the researcher to identify more variables in findings. It addresses the gaps of the study as well. When any study is incomplete in nature, it has some drawbacks. The drawbacks can be human errors or gaps in the method. It gives way to the next researchers to fill that gap.
Previous researches support the quality and logic of the findings. The critical thinking approach assists the linking of previous findings to the current. Examination of the evidence is an important part of strengthening the research purpose. Critical thinking combined with technical writing gives holistic evidence. While describing the evidence, the 20% importance is for the supportive argument.
Analysis and Biasness
The analysis section performs the synthesis and dissemination of data. It develops the findings of the study on narratives and previous concepts. The researcher will need a critical thinking approach to analyse the findings. When we achieve enough information, we can judge and analyse the events. The critical thinking approach also comes with a broad range of information. It helps the researcher in academic and professional life as well. Now, the question is how it helps in analysis. Dissertation research findings are not written in descriptive form.
Biasness is another marker that identifies the quality of the study. Research with a high risk of biasness will have less effectiveness. Researchers will need to narrow down the biasness indicators. You can find the biasness in the method and analysis section. For example, a researcher identified a specific age group for disease analysis. It shows a biasness if not supported by the literature. A more generalised study will address the issues of these favouring. The critical thinking approach will identify the main biasing indicators. A broad range of subject knowledge helps to achieve this goal.
Concluding Remarks
The conclusion of the dissertation is also important for the readers. It has all the main variables, methods and findings of the study. Critical thinking approach can help to write the most important information in the section. You can get this analytical approach by reviewing a number of articles as well. It also constructs an opinion or narrative of the study for the reader.
In conclusion, the critical thinking approach is an intellectual element of dissertation writing. It provides the knowledge and skill of writing with an evidence-based approach. In various ways, critical thinking approach can be applied in a dissertation to make the study more analytical and elaborative.